Monday, March 23

februrary: she is single and making me breakfast

February is a reversal: pancakes in rewind

inverse wavelength of fork and plate.

(these are sounds you can wash down a sink)

one more storm, this dish makes spring break,

drain snow off the windowsill that juts like her lips

grip- bend her back over the frying pan,

she makes the bacon sing, "mama mama!" (but she

will not be this for my kids)-- the eggs leave the grease and disappear

crumbled, yellow, morning schoolbus tones

a hand-drawn sun with veins that bless the lawn.

in a bathrobe, coffee-fisted hologram, i project her here

(stifling a yawn), feet glued in one tile block.

i crank back the tape and wait another year.

1 comment:

Sarah Leitten said...

hey girl wow interesting stuff...very curious.